Team Rocket47's Bestest Fanfic
Chapter 4: Marooned

Jads sat on the porch of a small cabin in a clearing in the forest.
It was about 9:00 at night and was exactly the same as any other
night of the past three years. Ira walked out from the inside of
the cabin carrying a small radio.

"There's some pretty big news on about Team Smak." He said
as he set the radio on the floor and sat next to Jads. "Looks like
the boss managed to screw them after all. Police jailed three of
em and killed two. God the boss can get em good if he wants.
I'm glad your brothers team is still up and running."

"There's something to look forward to at least." Jads said with a
sigh. "What's on the news you were talking about?"

Ira switched on the radio to some breaking news.

"Breaking news! It turns out that there were six members of
Team Smak and the police have the last member on the run. It's
a very heated motorcycle chase going north-east through the
forest next to the jail."

"The jail," Ira said while looking to Jads.

Jads looked back to Ira and said, "North East."

"They're coming right at us." said Ira with a smile.

But before Jads could reply, a gunshot broke the somewhat
silence. There was a returning gunshot and the slight sound of
motorcycles in the distence. Before long a girl with purple hair
broke through the trees. She was looking backwards and didn't
see that there was a house in her way and crashed.

An hour later. . .

Joey opened her eyes and saw a girl looking down on her. Then
she realized the pain. It was a sharp pain in her left leg and it
hurt like the dickens. She winced then tried to sit up but failed.

"You should stay laying down. It would be better for you. You
got hurt pretty bad in that crash." warned the girl.

Joey lied down again and asked, "Where am I?"

"Your in Team Rockets cabin in the middle of no where."
answered a guy who was standing in the corner.

"Team Rocket? This is great. I guess you know I'm the last free
member of Team Smak." Joey sighed. She went from running
from the cops to into the hands of the enemy. "The cops should
be here soon. Your probably gonna turn me in right?"

"Your wrong twice," said the guy in the corner, "The cops were
already here and we told em you ran away after crashing into our

Joey looked at the two of them in a puzzled way. She confusedly
asked, "Why didn't you turn me over to your boss or to the
police or something?"

"First of all we hate the cops and second your to heavy to carry
all the way to the Headquarters. It was hard enough dragging
you in here." remarked the girl who had by now sat down.

Joey thought about this for a second and said, "Any Team
Rocket member would turn me in to they're boss at least. Who
are you two?"

The girl smiled and replied, "My names Jads and that there is
my partner Ira. And we won't turn you into the boss because we
don't like him very much." Ira nodded in agreement on this.

"My names Joey by the way. And one last question." announced

"Shoot." replied Jads.

"Why is there a really big hurt in my leg?"

Ira nodded and said, "You got shot in the leg by the police I
suspect. I put a bandage on it but you probably won't be able to
walk for awhile."

"Thanks a lot. I kinda had plans to save the last three members
of Team Smak but I guess I can't now. I should get some sleep.
Cya in the morning." The new resident in the Team Rocket
house in the middle of no where fell asleep and Jads and Ira
walked into the other room.

"The boss isn't gonna like it when he finds out we've saved the
last member of his rival team and are letting us stay at the Team
Rocket house in the middle of no where." said Jads with a look
of worry.

Ira sighed and said, "Yeah it's like he actually still knows we
exist. We've been stashed out here for three years now. Like we
ever get to do anything."

"Your right. But on another subject, don't you think it's weird
how Joey has de tail and all?"

"It's pretty weird," Ira said, "but I think we'll find more out
about her for the time she stays here. I'm gonna take my shift
now ok?"

Jads shrugged. "Fine by me. Good luck." Ira grabbed a bag and
walked into the night. Jads yawned and knowing that she had the
day shift tomorrow went upstairs and into bed and fell asleep.

The next morning. . .

Ira checked his watch. Noon. How long was it possible for a
person to sleep? Who knew. It was only 16 hours ago when a
motorcycle crashed into their house and the crasher had slept for
about 14 and a half of those. At least it was something exiting.
He looked back to his book.

Joey rolled over with her purple hair in that messy morning look.
She opened one eye and groggily asked, "What time is it?"

Looking at his watch again Ira answered, "Noon."

"Gah it's too early! Goodnight!" She rolled over again but this
time onto her bad ankle and winced. "Oh ow. Damn that hurts.
Arg. Now I remember."

"I see." Ira sighed.

Joey sat up and squinted. She felt around for a few seconds and
found her glasses and put them on. then she looked to Ira. "Your
Ira right?"

"The one and only."

Joey yawned, "Where'd Jads go?"

"She's out in the forest catching pokemon." replied Ira.

"Why's that?"

Ira sighed, "The boss assigned us in this forest to catch pokemon
for him and it's the most boring job in the world. I wouldn't
mind trying to catch a single pokemon from a little twerp but
since the boss hates us we can't even do that let alone go on an
actual kool job."

Joey nodded. "The reason you didn't turn me in is because you
hate the boss and turning me in would only benefit him."

Ira looked at her with the all famous sly look. "Your not as
dumb as you look Joey."

A big vein popped up on Joeys forehead as she got that very
angry big headed look. "WHAT IN THE MUK IS THAT

Ira went back to reading his book and lightly said, "Nothing."

Joey grabbed a big wooden mallet from her back pack but before
she could smack Ira over the head with it, Jads walked in the
door carrying a fainted raichu. Instantly concerned, Joey
dropped the mallet on Ira's foot and said, "What happened to the

"It was that stupid dragonite again!" Jads said with anger.

Ira managed to push the 50 pound mallet off his foot and said,

Joey looked at Jads with interest. "Dragonite? Sounds like a very
rare pokemon to me."

"The rarest around." exclaimed Jads, "The rarest around. That's
why we were sent to this forest in particular. But since the boss
didn't bother to give us any new pokemon my raichu and Ira's
charizard have no advantage over it."

Joey thought for a moment then said. "You'll need an ice
pokemon right?"

"Righto." Jads stroked her raichu who was wincing.

Joey reached into her back pack and pulled out a pokeball. "It's
a psyduck that knows ice beam. But he'll only listen to me I'm

Jads nodded and said, "I would guess. Charizard won't listen to
me at all."

"And that raichu hates my guts." said Ira with a not too happy

"I should heal raichu to heath now. I'll be back in a an hour or
so." with an even sadder look, Jads walked into another room.

An evil look swept across Joeys face. "A pokemon that's so
tough it takes an hour to heal one that's challenged it? I GOTTA

Ira looked at her like she was the most crazy person on Earth.

Joey only nodded at this.

"You can't even walk with your injury let alone walk through
the forest for at least three hours to find the damn thing then try
and beat it!"

Joey glared at him. "I can do a hell lot more then you expect I
can Ira. If your gonna learn one thing about me it's that you
should never underestimate me."

"Whatever. If your so confident I'll take you out with me tonight
on my shift." muttered Ira. Just then Ira's stomache grumbled.
"You'd better hope Jads is cooking tonight because you'll get
less food poisoning then if I did."

"Neither of you can cook?"

Ira shook his head.

Joey smiled. "Then there's another reason you need me here."

"What was the first reason we need you?"

Joey stood up on her one good leg and said proudly, "To catch
you that dragonite!"

"How are you going to get around to do the cooking?" asked Ira
still not thinking Joey couldn't do much of anything.

Joey grabbed a different pokeball from her backpack. "You gotta
stop underestimating me, Ira." She opened the pokeball and the
white outline of an arcanine appeared and formed into a real
arcanine. Patting the big dog on the shoulders, Joey told the
arcanine that she was hurt and needed a lift for awhile. Nodding
in agreement, the arcanine bent down and allowed Joey to sit on
his back.

"I'd like you too meet my best fire pokemon, Lucky."
announced Joey with a proud grin on her face to see Ira's
astonished one.

"I've never seen an arcanine before." Ira got up and scratched
Lucky behind the ears which Lucky enjoyed very much.

Joey smiled and said, "I'm going to make some pizza ok?"

"Great." Ira went back to reading his book but said, "I'll tell
Jads when she's done healing Chichu. I'll also tell her about
your crazy idea to battle that dragonite."

Joey rolled her eyes and marched into the kitchen on Luckys'

In a few hours. . .

Jads walked out of the mini pokemon center room with Chichu
sitting on her shoulder.

"Guess what Joey's doing." Ira said in that weird way where he
doesn't really look up but he just kinda knows your there.

Jads looked worried. "Is it something I don't wanna know?"

"Well," Ira closed his book and looked up. "First of all she's
making pizza and second is that she's determined to defeat that

Chichu cowered at the mentioning of the dragonite but Jads said
with surprised, "Is she crazy?!?"

"Apparently" Ira sighed.

Just then Joey entered the room on Luckys' back carrying a very
large pepperoni pizza. "We got's pizza for all!"

Jads' eyes lit up. "REAL FOOD!!!"

So for the first time in three long years, Ira and Jads had real
food. Lucky got a slice of the pizza too because he helped Joey a
lot in the kitchen. They would all need the energy for that night
because Jads had decided to follow along on the dragonite hunt.
Nothing could possibly got wrong but as in all other chapters of
this story whenever I say that something wrong always happens.

A video phone lowered down from the ceiling and the boss and
his persian appeared on the screen. Joey quickly ducked under
the table as the bosses voice bellowed through the little house.
"Ira! Jads! Why haven't you reported in for the last 3 years!"

"Err. . ." Ira thought for a moment. Then he said, "There hasn't
been anything to report sir."

The Boss yelled at them some more about not being able to
catch a dragonite in three years and only sending him little weak
pokemon every day and yadda yadda yadda and blah blah blah
and more yelling and finally hanging up.

Joey popped her head up from below the table. "Is he gone yet?"
An nod from Jads got her sitting up on her chair again. "I don't
like that guy one bit," She said while cramming a piece of pizza
in her mouth. "He's so mean and rude and he seems to hate my
guts more than everyone else in Team Smak."

"Who knows with that guy man," Jads said while stealing the
last piece of pizza. "He kidnaps the best pokemon trainers on
their first day of pokemon training then stashes them in the
middle of know where for three years."

Ira nodded and looked at his watch. "If were gonna go catch that
dragonite now's a good a time as any. Let's go."

10 minutes later...

Ira led the way with Charms tail providing light. Joey sat on top
of Lucky and Jads followed holding a shivering Chichu. Chichu
was really beaten badly by that dragonite and had a full right to
be scared. Jads knew this but she didn't know that Joey also
knew that Chichu was scared. But at the moment Joey was
falling asleep on top of Lucky.

Joey's cute purple mew ears perked up. " Follow me I know
where the dragonite is." Lucky bounded off in the direction Joey
pointed and Jads and Ira followed after. It wasn't long before
they found the dragonite sleeping.

Joey decided to yell at it. "Hey you stupid dragonite I wanna

The big dragonite that was twice the size of a normal dragonite
looked to her awakener and glared at her. Then she stood up and
roared at Joey.

"Yes I'm talking to you!!! How many other dragonites to you
see around here?" Joey looked peeved then threw out Psyducks
pokeball. Psyduck looked up at the huge dragonite and smiled.

Then the dragonite laughed in her dragonite way. She stomped
her foot and Psyduck fell on his butt. Standing up again Psyduck
quacked, "Psy aye ay!" which when translated means "I'm
gonna kick your ass!"

The dragonite was not impressed by this and decided to use
thunder on Joey's psyduck, which fainted it on impact. Joey
returned Psyduck to it's pokeball and threw out a female

"Use your Psychic attack!" yelled Joey.

Ira looked concerned and said, "Psychic pokemon are weak to
dragon types Joey!"

Joey reached into her bag and pulled out a bottle while Kadabra
and Dragonite dueled it out. "It's a diversionary tactic Mr.
earth." She released the fainted Psyduck from his pokeball and
sprayed the contents of the bottle on him. His sad from turned
into a smile as he regained his strength. Joey winked "Revives.
Can't live without em! Now Psyduck, when Kadabra Psychics
Dragonite next you cut in with your ice beam."

Psyduck stood to the side of Dragonite as Kadabra struck the
pose she made before she used her Psychic attack. She had done
a very good job of weakening Dragonite but had in turn lose a
lot of her power. She struck the pose and Psyducks knew his cue
and charged ice power in his beak for his attack. Kadabra
released psychic power on Dragonite and Psyduck blew the ice
power on Dragonite and froze her solid. Joey knew her role and
threw a greatball at her. Much to her surprise, Joey found that
the dragonite still had enough power to break out even though it
was frozen.

Seeing that both her pokemon were exhausted, Joey returned
them both. She moved her hand to another pokeball on her belt
but then remembered. "Jads why don't you let Chichu finish off
the dragonite?"

"But. . ." Jads looked to Chichu who was shivering behind her

Joey nodded and crossed her arms. "I know that Chichu is
scared but I froze her solid so she can't attack. Only a fire
pokemon could melt that ice." She looked to the dragonite who
stood before them frozen then repeated, "It's safe. A nice
thunderbolt should weaken it enough for me to catch it."

Again Jads looked to her cowering Raichu. She bent down to it's
level and said, "The dragonite can't hurt you because Joey's
psyduck froze it. Now we need your help because you can
weaken it enough so we can capture it."

Chichu nodded in understanding and walked onto the battle
field. "Raichu rai rai chu raichu chu!!!!!" That translates to,
"You may have defeated me before but you won't this time!"

Pokemon can say a lot when only saying a little huh?

"Chichu use your thunderbolt like Joey said!"

Sparks flew from Chichu's cheeks as he charged up a lot of
electric power from the cloudy and rain threatening sky. A bright
glow came from the determined as he glared at the stiff and
frozen symbol of hatred. Chichu squeezed his cheeks and
released his charged power into a concentrated bolt of lightning
directed at the immobile dragonite.

Right after the full attack was completed by Chichu, the waiting
Joey threw another greatball with perfect accuracy. This time the
ball twitched for a minute but then fell silent as the dragonite
was not able to escape. A smile crept over Joeys face as Lucky
padded over to the ball. He sniffed it for a moment then smiled
and picked it up in his mouth. Joey looked up to the sky.

"It's going to rain" announced Joey as she looked to the other
two. "And if you don't want to carry me we have to get going.
Lucky can stay out in the rain longer than Charm can. So Ira you
should return Charm and I'll let you two ride on Lucky's back
with me."

Ira returned Charm as he was ordered and Joey helped the other
three onto the waiting arcanines back. After Joeys advise to hold
on tight, Lucky bounded off through the trees and sure enough
the rain started. Lucky wasn't particularly happy about water so
he ran faster until they ended up back at the cabin.

The two people and three pokemon (including Joey) walked into
the cabin soaking wet. Lucky and Joey weren't very happy about
this but the other 3 were somewhat fine. It was agreed to not tell
the boss that they had caught the dragonite and keep it for

Most of the time Joey slept and stayed on bed due to her injury
but she got up to make dinner every day. She could by far cook a
lot more than pizza. So for the second time in her life, Joey
found some good friends.

(c) Joey Oak              September 12, 2000

Chapter 5