Team Rocket47's Bestest Fanfic
Chapter 23.5: I Hate Luke

Alright boys and girls, this is not your average chapter. Hence
the half in the title. As most of you minions know, I, the Writer
and Author of Team Rocket47's Bestest Fanfic, have had a
horrible case of writers block for this fic since late August. Two
months of utter misery! Writing is my life, and I'm stuck.
Wonderful isn't it? *caugh caugh* Sure I've written a chapter of
my Three Days fic, but that was a month ago. Haven't opened
Word Perfect since. I wrote a flashback chapter in a notebook
I'm supposed to use for school, but I got stuck on that too. But I
didn't start this half chapter to rant about my problems.

With full disregard to that last sentence, I'm going to rant about
my stressful life. Feel free to skip this paragraph. Ok, I'm mega
stressed out. High School is a total drag because I can count
about 20 assignments that are overdue that I must eventually
find time to do. But with my slackish nature, I spend my
wonderful afternoons writing pointless chapters to what would
be a good fic. Feel free to give me feedback, by the way. I like
feedback. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy when people tell
me they like my fic, and when people say it sucks, I learn from it
and make the fic better. Yes.... It's also a power trip. Anou...
ignore that last comment. It's a line from a play that I saw twice
today. Which reminds me of the stress in having to do a play
myself. The same play that I saw twice today. The Irony of it all.

Feel free to continue reading now. The real reason I'm writing a
half chapter is to explain something important. You will
probably start wondering why Luke is no longer appearing in my
story. The answer is, he's dead. Just in the story though.
Bummer huh?

Why is Luke dead? I killed him that's why! Why did I kill him?
Because he's a backstabbing jerk. I never liked his character in
the first place, and was planning to get rid of him later. I don't
really care that I'm being uncreative. I want him out of my story,
and that's final! No more Luke. Ever.

Evil Luke has done something bad! He gave away my biggest
secret in the world to my bestest boyfriend Asa just because I
called him a name. This completely screwed my life up bad.
And I mean very bad. As in mega depression for me. Plus he has
the decency to call me an egotistical bitch after it all.

And then he wrote my secret in his stupid online journal so not
only does my boyfriend know, but also all my other friends who
didn't know! Does anyone see the unfairness in this? I call him
egotistical after he really was acting like it, then he goes and
ruins my life. And he calls me a bitch in his online journal all
the time.

Many people think I'm egotistical. Anyone who thinks that
really doesn't know me very well. My two best friends in the
world, Asa and Magick, don't think I'm egotistical. They know
me better then anyone else. For everyone's enjoyment, I have
gone to and found the definition of egotistical.

egotistical adj 1: characteristic of those having an inflated idea
of their own importance [syn: egotistic, narcissistic, self-loving]
2: characteristic of false pride; having an exaggerated sense of
self-importance; "a conceited fool"; "an attitude of self-conceited
arrogance"; "an egotistical disregard of others"; "so swollen by
victory that he was unfit for normal duty"; "growing ever more
swollen-headed and arbitrary"; "vain about her clothes" [syn:
conceited, egotistic, self-conceited, swollen, swollen-headed,

Now does that honestly sound like me? I don't think so. Sure I
say I'm a good writer, but have I ever once said that I'm better
then Robert Jordan, Shakespeare, Douglas Adams or J.K.
Rowling? Nope I haven't. And I never will. Sure I'm better then
the average bear, but that's because I've been practicing for
three years! It's cost me a whole many bad report cards too. So
give me a break ok?

Anyway.... Luke is dead, and he's never coming back. Why?
Because I hate him. Period, end of subject. I'm too stuck in
writers block to think of any creative way to kill him that would
make an interesting plot, so he's just dead. No one in the story
really cares though. It's better then what I do in my Notebook
story. I'll make a nice explanation of the whole thing when I get
some free time, something which is nearly impossible for me.
Anyway, I usually just stop writing a characters part in the story
and hope that none of the readers notice. It usually works.

Speaking of my Notebook story, Luke isn't dead there, just
unconscious. He was hit by 22 Writer thunderbolts in my anger.
I won't reveal how he dies, because I haven't written it yet. So
for Magick, Phido, Shrieker, Michi and Jackie, you'll just have
to wait until I write it so :P.

Ok. This has been fun, but I guess all of you want to enjoy a real
chapter, which is half way done. I will soon put up some actual
stuff. Yes.... Time is not on my side. feel free to send the Great
and Amighty Writer some email because she is very very lonely
most of the time with her spam mail. Keep reading, Peace out,

(c) Joey Oak              October 25, 2001

Chapter 23