Old News Room
Just some old news...

I finally realized that I never write in here anymore! Um.... news.... The Tr47 club is second in the Team Rocket category with 307 members, the website is free of Geocities, and the webmistress has the bestest boyfriend in the world! Lets all celebrate!
Good news Rocketteers! The Headquarters finnally broke 100 members! Huzzah! We're also #6 in the category! Soon Tr47 will be at the top!
Long time no see rocketters! Tr47 had our anniverery last halloween and I lacked to post it here. As you noticed I've added a new look to the site (huzzah!) theres a partay at the Headquarters so click here!
Ok it's time to start using the News room as a newsroom. Ok were supposed to havea big RP sometime soon but you gotta ask JadsY about that.
Yes! My fanfic is done! Hooray! It's the bestest team rocket fanfic eva! And I got a plan for the founders profiles! I'll reveiw the whole site and see if I can update any more!
Hello again. I updated the members section. Laiter I will add another motto and maybe  I'll add the founder stats for JadsY and me.
THIS IS PATHETIC! I HAVEN'T UPDATED SINCE APRIL!!! Oh well now I have a good cause to update! Not really. . . Oh well. . .
Still no news. I'm still working on the founder stats thing and the story then I'll add some cool stuff so bear with me here!
Um. . . No news tonight ether.
My spring breaks next week so I'll be able to update more. Tonight I did the history and the Yahoo Clubs section and I tryed to do the story but I couldn't because I can't find my notebook. You can count on the story by the next time I update. G'night all!
No news I can think up tonight. Um I added the Other Stuff section and added some stuff there and I obviously added the News Room section. I guess I'll do more tonight but thats about it I guess ^_^
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