Su, the evil kid genius!Michi's Room Su, the evil kid genius!

Oh! *Michi looks up at you from her bed, and tilts her head* You're invading my room!
*she glares, then sighs* Ah, well, I suppose I can give you a tour. Obviously you came here
to learn a bit more about me. ^^V

Fwee! Michi's bad art. ^^V

Name: Michi
Means: Road, Path, etc.
Favourite Anime: I can't choose ^^;
Favourite Anime character: *looks between Jin and Syaoran*
Favourite colour: Purple
Animal: Tanuki (though I act more neko)
Hobbies: Drawing, writing, reading, creating websites, hanging out with friends
Usual mood: Hyper and cheerful
About the picture: Drawn by me, very quickly. Saito, the official scanner of HOOK is evil and possessed, and doesn't like scanning colour much unless it's dark. So this isn't that great, but you get the idea. I'll get a better one up eventually. The writing reads "HOOK no Michi," which translates to "Michi of HOOK." ^^

Now that you know that much about me, what else is there? *points to various things around room*
There's my bed (which is the most comfortable bed in the world ^^), the Button, and my manga
is all in the library. I have a ton of anime music on my computer, since I spend a lot of time on the computer.
Also, I'm the most computer literate of all of HOOK. Don't ask me why. I also have seen the most Anime,
and speak the most Japanese. ^^V I'm also a diehard Angels, along with most sports, fan. As Keikou-chan
calls me. ^^; But Angels ARE my favourite team, I'm usually wearing my red Angels hat.

As for my part for HOOK, I'm the webmistress, as you hopefully know. That also makes me more or less the landlord
of the HOOK mansion. I did the whole site though, with help from Plush-chan! I also draw both mine and Nekoko-chan's
characters. And I'm the insane scientist kid type (hence the Su at the top of the page) and so I do the insane inventions.
Most of them, at least.

By the way, I made a Jin shrine boredly, cause I love Jin, and so I'm momentarily hosting it in my room. Enjoy!

Okay, I'm done going on an ego trip. For now. *sits back
down on bed, picks up jug of sake and starts drinking it*

Back to the Main Hall

Little icon things at top belong to ^^;
Please no sueing!