This may very well be the best part of this site next to the pictures section! Here's a list of the great Shigeru sites out there on the web that still exist, and my opinions on them.
Links that Gary Likes:
Ice-Cold Indifference - An excellent site, with wonderful fanart. The webmistress is Cat, and she's a sweet girl. My only problem with the site is that I have to open Internet Explorer to visit it, because it can't be seen with my Netscape 4.7. It's the second newest Gary site! (I'm the first!)
-=Lost Soul=- - Another great site. It's wonderful for finding information, and has a nice layout. I haven't read the fanart there, but I hear it's good. There's also a nice MIDI on the main page. There's also a Garychu thing, which is really cute!
.Sweet.Shigeru. - A shrine to Shigeru that has a whole bunch of cool little tings around it. It has a whole bunch of pictures from all around, and it's a really good site.
**Nakanaide** - A kool site, but I dunno what the title means. Lots of kool stuff and such. Nicely made website, though I haven't explored it much.
~Facade~- Ideals of Perfection shut down, and this shrine replaces it I think. I haven't had the time to explore it yet, and I never vitied Ideals of Perfection, I don't think. Anyway, from what I've seen it's great! Best veiwed with Internet Explorer.
High & Mighty - A good site that is no longer updated, sadly. The layout is nice, and she's got a cool picture at the top of each page with lyrics. Very nice, but it must be fairly old.
~Shigeru-Chan~ - This site is fairly small, but it's still a site! It looks kinda weird on IE, but it looks fairly normal on Netscape 4.7. Anyway, it's small, but nice!
A Tribute to Gary Oak - They said they's update soon, around February 22, 2000. Still a nice site though. It has a kool picture at the top!
Disgrace - Fairly small with only a few things, but still good. I don't think it's updated any more though.
The Master - I hear it was a good site for pictures, but it's pretty much not there. I don't think it'll be updated again. I talked with the webmistress awhile ago and I think she said she wasn't going to work on it. Here's the link anyway.
Awaited Dreams - The one Gary webring I know of. It was the second made, but the webmistress of the first one abandoned her love for Shigeru and shut down the site. Anyway, this is a good webring.
Perfection - I think the server is currently broken on this one, but a good site over all. Another one best veiwed with the evil Internet Explorer. Still good though.
Terrible Beauty - I really do hate IE, but this site is also best veiwed with that browser. This girl is wonderful at fanart. The index page won't let you in but recently a secret way in has be found!
Ego and Soul - Redrival has eaten this site. That's because Redrival is evil. Maybe it'll come back someday, so I'll leave the link to what was a great site here.
Gary's Fanclub - This was the first Gary site I ever visited, and Redrival ate it. It was a great site with pictures, information, and a fanclub you can really join. I don't know if it will ever come back. But just in case, here's the link.
Gary Oak: Eternal Rival - This is a weird site, but still cool. I haven't visited it much. The webmaster thinks he's Gary.... Best viewed with evil IE.
Links that Joey Likes:
Ghost's Kitty Adoptions- Adorable site! Adopt a Gary kitty today!
8-Bit Theater- It's a crazy online comic that I'm hooked on! This site has great fanart and fanfiction about the Powerpuff Girls and Rowdyruff boys!
Animenation- Great for news on anime and buying stuff!
Pocket Bishonen- Catch Shigeru and countless other bishies here!
Anipike- Find tons of anime websites here!
Links that Chibi Joey Likes:
Team Rocket47 Underground HQ- My first and biggest website. Tons of randomness, and a small Gary picture shrine.
Joey's Fanfiction Realm- The collection of my fanfiction, also made by me.
Voice of a Monster- A PowerPuff girls based shrine dedicated to the monsters. Contains my collection of PowerPuff fanart.
Magick's Elfwood Page- My friends collection of wonderful art. Great site to visit!
Crash's Kool Pokemon Page- My sister's website. Cute and cool, with lots of random pictures.
Mr. Gligar's Random Collection of Buttons, Banners and Bumper Stickers: