Cherry Sunsets....

The Ookido Shigeru shrine with a horrible title and the home of Joryshipping....

Welcome. I'm Joey, your resident crossbreed pokemon who lacks in skills of web site designing. This is Cherry Sunsets, a shrine dedicated to the one and only Ookido Shigeru. That's Gary Oak to all you who only watch the evil dub. Yes I know there are at least 10 other shrines to him, but I want to make another one that hopefully turns out decent. So anyway, eat, drink, be merry, enjoy Shigeru-sama, and please sign the guestbook!

<-- Boring Welcome

Contents of the Site -->





Fan Stuff



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I love email! Say hi sometime!

My Dreambook!
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Counter! Woohoo!

Latest Update 05/28/02: Gasp my heart! I did something! There is now a place where you can find when I update this site! It's below here somewhere...

Link to Me:  cherrybutton.jpg (3885 bytes) (link back to

Click here to receive an email when I update this site!

Tings I like:

Yay! Webring!

Gary is my Chibi! Pocket Monsters! Please! psnbutton.gif (2445 bytes)

Yeah! I caught Shigeru! *victory!!*

It's a thing!

Gary is my kitty!

The Midi you're hearing is Neon Genesis Evangelion: Cruel Angel's Thesis. I was obsessed with it for awhile. I figured out to turn it on and off! ---->

Disclaimer: Everything on this site is owned by the people that own them. Please don't steal anything without permission or sue me!