
Name: American-Gary Oak    Japanese-Ookido Shigeru

Age: I think he's 14. But who can tell with him being shrouded in mystery. He's 28 in my notebook fanfic so.... *shrugs*

Height: Taller then me. No really, he's 5'4"

Occupation: The Greatest Pokemon Master

Hometown: Pallet Town

Family: Mostly unkown exept for Samual Oak, his Grandpa. In the manga byToshiro Ono, he has an older sister named May, but in the G/S version of the game she's called Daisy. Isn't that Misty's sister? Anyway, his parents are unknown. A few people think that Lance from the elite four because of the red hair. Gary has a more brownish red though. It's cherry brown ^^ In my ever famous notebook fanfic he has a little sister, Ashleigh Oak, who's 14 years younger then him and has taken over the professor job because Gary's grandpa is dead. *everyone celebrates*

Pokemon that we know of
: He has quite a few. *cough200cough* In the anime he has Arcanine, Doduo, Krabby, Eevee/Umbreon, Nidoking, and Nidoqueen. In the manga I'm pretty sure he has Arcanine, Gyarados, Venusaur, Rhydon, Pidgeot, Charmander/Charmeleon/Charizard, Venomoth, Golduck, and Scyther. I used to know what he had in the video game but I've forgotten so I'll get back to that. Finally, in my notebook fanfic he has Arcanine, Nidoking, Umbreon, Noctowl, Alakazam and Articuno. As I said, he has quite a few, and the ones I listed aren't even a fraction of what he has total.

Character: He's very arrogant near the beginning of the serise, but improves greatly durning THAT BLASTED ORANGE LEAGE WHERE HE WAS ONLY SEEN IN THE INTRO!!! *calms down* Yeah. He insults Ash a lot, in fact, he insults him in most of the episodes he's in. But that's a good thing. Insulting Ash is fun! *ahem* He's very mysterious, being that he's only seen in like 5% of the episodes. I'd check on that, but the cool site with all the information on everything pokemon was shut down. Anyway, He's very calm most of the time, and seems to hide his emotions alot. The only time I've seen him scared or upset is when he loses, but I don't blame him. He's an exellent pokemon trainer because he trains all his pokemon, unlike that other trainer from Pallet town who leaves his pokemon on a shelf most of the time. Gary's not as bonded with his pokemon as Ash, or so it's said. I don't beleive that, because he really cares about his pokemon a lot. Also unlike a band of twerps, in a lot of the episodes I've seen him in he's wearing a different outfit. Overall I think he's the most kickass character on Pokemon.

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