Team Rocket47's Bestest Fanfic
Chapter 7: Kat's History

Shortly after Mewtwo escaped from Team Rocket...

Washu turned the page of her newspaper. It seemed that Team
Rocket's clone of mew had escaped. The people of Earth were
so stupid in the science of cloning. With little effort she could
make a clone of mew in a few weeks time, being the greatest
scientific genius in the entire universe.

She had come to Earth to research the creatures they call
pokemon. They were unlike any other creatures she had seen
due to the power of evolving in mere seconds. The powers of
electricity, fire, water ,and so forth were remarkable too.

The humans however were less then remarkable. The technology
they had developed over time was pretty good but she could do
better easily. The pokeball was a nice development but quite
cruel in a way of it's own. And they were terrible in genetically
cloning pokemon.

Washu looked around the small cabin she had built in the
mountains. It was lonely with no one to talk to. Then the idea
struck her. She would make her own clone of mew. It would
prove to the humans that it was easy to make a clone of mew
that wouldn't try to destroy the world.

So she set to work. She easily hacked into Team Rocket's
database and found the DNA pattern of Mewtwo. Hacking into
computers was so easy. With a few more minutes of reading
data, she found that creating a mewtwo would be simple. In a
mere two weeks a pink mewtwo was born.

Washu named the mewtwo Kat and raised her as her own
daughter. Kat turned out to be almost as smart as Washu and
helped out in the lab a lot of the time. She was friendly and
bubbly and easily made friends with all the pokemon who lived
in the forest. But as she got older, Kat wanted a friend who was
more like herself.

One hot summer day Kat laid stretched out in the yard. She
looked up to the cloudy blue sky. if anyone asked her what was
up right then she would say clouds. Just then she saw a small
figure in the clouds. It didn't fly like any other flying type
pokemon she'd seen before. What was it?

"I'll be back later Washu." She kicked off the ground and flew
after the pokemon she saw in the sky. After flying upwards for a
few minutes she way the creature again.

It was a small purple cat like pokemon who happened to be
floating along peacefully and carefree. It had its eyes closed but
seemed to know where it was going.

Kat flew over to the pokemon and flew along side it for a few
minutes before saying, "Hey."

The cat pokemon opened her eyes and looked to Kat. "Hello."

"What's your name?"

"Joey. What's yours?"

"Kat. Wanna come to my house?"


Kat led the way back to the cabin in the mountains with Joey

Washu looked up to the sky. She couldn't see Kat anywhere.
From behind her she heard the footsteps of her daughter landing
and before she could avoid it was pounced.

"Kat! Why do you always do that to me!?!" Washu yelled.

Kat stood up and thought for a moment. Then she said,
"Because it annoys you so much!"

Washu sighed and stood up and brushed the dust off her cloths.
"So where did you fly off to so suddenly?" She looked to Kat's
ankle where Joey stood looking very shy.

"This is Joey. She's a mew," Kat said with a smile.

Washu kneeled down to Joeys level. "Hello there Joey."

"Hello Miss Washu," replied Joey before hiding behind Kat's

Washu giggled. "You must have strong psychic powers to know
my name already. Come inside and I'll make some chocolate

Kat followed Washu in with Joey floating behind. Washu made
chocolate milk and sat down in the living room where Joey and
Kat waited. After they all had some chocolate milk Washu asked
Joey an important question. "Do you think I could have some of
your DNA to study from?"

"I guess," said Joey, "as long as you don't have to use a needle
I'm scared to death of those things."

Washu nodded. "Aichmophobia. I understand. I'll just take a
hair off your tail." She plucked a tiny hair off Joey's tail and ran
off into her laboratory with a wave.

"My moms really weird sometimes," Kat mentioned after taking
a sip of her chocolate milk.

Joey looked at her new friend curiously. "How come your mom
is a human and you're a mewtwo?"

"I was born in my moms lab. She raised me and treated me like
her own daughter," replied the pink mewtwo with a smile.

A slight frown crossed Joeys face. "I wish I knew where I came
from," she said with a sigh.

Kat looked to Joey with a bit of concern. "You mean you don't
know where you came from?"

"Nope. No memories at all. The first thing I can really remember
is being really cold," Joey said with another sad sigh. "I always
knew I was different from my daddy, and recently he told me
that he had found me nearly dead in a forest. So I set off in
search of my past, and I found you."

Kat put a hand on her friends shoulder. "It's ok, Joey don't feel
bad. You'll be my bestest friend forever and we'll see each other
every day okey?"

"Okey. But I gots no place to go." Joey replied with a half smile.

Kat jumped up. "You can stay with me and Washu!"

"YAY!" Joey jumped up also.

"So Joey's going to stay with us?" Washu was standing at the
door way with her arms crossed.

Kat ran over to Washu, got down on her knees and begged.
"Please mom please can Joey stay with us!!!"

"Yeah please Miss Washu!!!!" Joey begged along with Kat.

Washu sighed. "It's fine with me."

"YAY!!!" cried Joey and Kat together while hugging each other.

Washu could only smile. Her daughter was happy. She was
happy. But the thing was that Joey didn't have pure mew DNA.
There was the DNA of another type of pokemon in the sample
that she took. But with a little time she would find out soon

In the time that Joey stayed with Kat the two were inseparable.
Joey helped out with Washu in the laboratory with Kat most of
the time. In the afternoons when it cooled down they would play
outside in the yard and make friends with all the pokemon.

Washu continued to examine Joeys DNA structure until she
made an amazing discovery. She walked out of her laboratory
and found the two friends playing chess. Joey was winning.

"Joey I've been studying your DNA and recently found
something very interesting." announced Washu. Joey looked up
from the game and Kat cleverly turned the bored around so she
was winning.

Washu shot her a pathetic look then continued. "I've found out
that you're not a pure blood mew." She saw Joey's confused
look and explained, "It turns out that you're also part houndoom,
giving you powerful skills in not only psychic type attacks, but
also dark and fire attacks."

Joey grinned. "Way kool." She said in one syllable. She was a
heck of a lot more hyper and talked at the speed of light.

Kat's mom smiled. "If you begin training to become a higher
level, you can become a very powerful pokemon. If you'd like,
I'll allow Kat to train with you."

Kat was surprised at this. She was never allowed to battle
before, but had always dreamed of becoming a powerful
pokemon. "Do you mean it?" Washu nodded, and Kat grinned.

Joey looked back to the game and without noticing her friends
trick, pulled a perfect move that put Kat in check. Kat scowled
from her mistake. "We'll get to training tomorrow!" Joey replied
with a smile. Washu walked back into the lab to do some other

"We've never actually really done any real training you know."
mentioned Kat while putting away the chess set.

Joey nodded. "Right. But if we do get to training it will help us
in the future if we get into trouble."

"So it's agreed that we start training tomorrow morning?" Kat

Joey agreed so they both went to bed early to prepare for

Kat woke up the next morning to find that Joey had already went
out side to start her training. She was sitting down next to a
rattata telling him to spread the word of a big pokemon
tournament right here in Washus' clearing. The rattata nodded
and ran off into the forest.

Then Joey floated up to eye level with Kat. If one thing truly
bugged her in life it was the fact that she was about 3 feet
shorter than her best friend. But being small did have it's
advantages. You could hide in a whole lot more places when in

"RT's gonna tell all the pokemon that there's gonna be a big
match. But do you wanna battle me first?" Joey asked with the
hyperness she always had.

Kat nodded. "It's fine by me. We're the same level so I think it
would be fair." Then she struck a challenging pose.

"Ha!" Joey laughed. "I'll beat you easy enough!"

It turned out that Kat knew confusion and swift, while Joey only
knew pound. Being smaller Joey was faster and because she was
a psychic and dark pokemon, was fully resistant to psychic

Joey attacked first with her pound attack and smacked Kat over
the head with it. Kat returned the attack with her swift attack and
Joey fell over backwards. This continued for a few turns until
Joey pounded Kat and Kat fainted. Joey grew to level 6 and then
proceeded to pour a bucket of ice water on Kat to wake her up.

Other pokemon came from the forest to battle Kat and Joey and
they both won and lost a few battles. Eventually they gained
levels and learned more attacks. Kat learned Disable and Joey
learned transform, the attack that Washu predicted would be her
most powerful. When they both reached level 10, the battled
again and this time Kat won, after disabling Joey's two attacks.

Most of the pokemon in the forest were Kat and Joey's friends
so they wanted to help with their training. They also benefitted
from this challenge. If they managed to beat either Kat or Joey,
they would gain experience and levels. It was also pretty
entertaining to watch.

Eventually the sun set and the pokemon agreed to return
tomorrow for more training. Kat marched into the cabin with
Joey sitting on her shoulder, both of them looking fairly tired.
They found Washu working on her computer in the living room.

"I've been watching you two and I'd like to say I'm proud of you
two for working so hard today," Washu complimented.

Joey smiled in her half asleepness and replied, "Thanks Washu.
We're gonna work just as hard tomorrow."

"But we should get some sleep so we'll be ready," Kat added.

Washu grinned happily and acknowledged, "That's a good plan
Kat. I'll see you both in the morning then."

The two mews continued training for a couple of weeks and
gained more experience while doing so. Washu was correct in
saying that transform would be Joeys most powerful attack. She
could transform into something without looking at it like a ditto
has to. She could also turn into a human and after awhile made
her own look.

Then Joey announced the plan that she had thought up not long
after they began training. It was in the evening after beating both
Washu and Kat at chess.

"I've decided that I want to become the world greatest pokemon
master!" Joey decreed.

Kat looked at her worried like. Then she said, "Your leaving

Joey nodded.

"Well there's nothing we can do to stop her, Kat." Washu

"It's not like your never gonna see me again Kat," said Joey,
"I'll always keep in touch. But I've got my whole life ahead of
me and I don't want to waste it all here."

Kat closed her eyes. "I understand. I always knew you were to
hyper to stand to be cooped up here forever."

Joey smiled and gave her best friend a hug. "Thanks. I'm
planning on leaving tomorrow cause I don't have much stuff to

"Lets get some sleep so you can have an early start tomorrow,"
suggested Kat.

Joey agreed and they both went to bed.

The next morning...

The back pack of Joeys stuff was bigger than she was but she
carried it anyway.

"Good luck, Joey," Kat said while looking a bit sad.

Joey saw Kats sadness and promised, "I'm not gonna forget you
ever Kat. And I will keep in touch." She kicked off the ground
and flew off into the distance with a wave back to her best

Kat waved to her departing friend. When Joey was lost in the
distance Kat sighed.

Washu looked to her daughter and said, "You did know she
always was going to leave and so did I. She has a huge destiny
waiting for her out in the world. The good thing is that you
helped her prepare for that destiny with the training you two did.
I think you handled her leaving very well and I'm proud of you
for that."

Kat snickered a bit.

"What's so funny? Washu asked.

Kat looked up and smiled. "She forgot breakfast!"

Washu smiled to for in all the time that Joey had stayed with
them she never missed a meal. "Lets get some breakfast, Kat."

(c) Joey Oak             May 1, 2001

Chapter 8